近年在隶属头索动物亚门的文昌鱼体内发现有内源性绿色荧光蛋白存在, 并发现文昌鱼荧光蛋白的发光现象在不同发育时期以及个体间有较大的差异。为了进一步揭示GFP 基因在文昌鱼中的进化模式,探索其可能执行的功能,该文首先对白氏文昌鱼(Branchiostoma belcheri) GFP基因作了全面鉴定, 并对其不同发育阶段胚胎及成体不同区域中的荧光信号进行了实时观察记录, 进而对GFP基因在绿色荧光表达强烈的两个特定时期做了绝对定量检测。研究结果表明,文昌鱼基因组中至少有12个内源性GFP 基因, 在个体发育的不同时期,内源性荧光出现的位置有所变化, 而且在变态后的个体之间出现荧光的情况差异较大, 荧光蛋白基因的表达由多个GFP同源基因共同参与, 这些基因在不同的发育时期表达量有较大的差异, 提示不同的GFP基因在特定发育阶段可能行使各自的功能。
Endogenous green fluorescent proteins (GFPs) have recently been found in amphioxus, where different characteristics of light production in different development stages and between different individuals have manifested. We identified the GFP genes in an amphioxus species Branchiostoma belcheri and monitored real time fluorescence signals of GFPs during different developmental stages to provide an insight on the GFP function in amphioxus. We found there are at least 12 endogenous GFP genes in amphioxus genome, and fluorescent expression changes in body position during different developmental stages. Additionally, GFP expression after metamorphosis development differed significantly among different amphioxus individuals, suggesting that there are multiple GFP homologous genes responsible for fluorescent expression. Expression levels of these genes varied significantly during different developmental stages, indicating that different GFP genes may have their unique functions in the development of amphioxus during specific phases of growth.