The effects of surface structure and appearance of active species on nano-scale V2O5/TiO2 and MoO3/TiO2 catalysts' catalytic performances for diesel soot catalytic oxidation were investigated. The search provided a theoretical basis for development of novel catalysts, enhancement of the soot catalytic oxidation efficiency and reduction of PM emissions. The catalysts with different loading rates (5% , 10% , 20% , 40% ) were prepared by an impregnation method, and the dispersing phase and physical-chemical attributes of active species loaded on TiO2 were characterized using Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) and X-Ray diffraction (XRD). Printex-U carbon black was utilized to replace the practical engine soot. The catalytic oxidation activity over soot was evaluated using a TG/DTA analyzer, and was evaluated by the ignition temperatures (Ti), the weight loss peak temperatures (Tp) and the burnout temperatures (Tf). The results showed that there was a monolayer dispersion threshold, which was V20 and Mo10 for V2O5 and MoO3 catalysts separately, when 69.1, 46.0 and 23.0 ℃ respectively. However, as for the MoO3 catalysts, the characteristic temperatures decreased with increased loading rate, which implies that the catalytic activity was enhanced. This is because the favorable surface migration of active species resulted from lower melting point and more lattice oxygen provided by the α-MoO3 crystal of the layer structure. Therefore, no threshold effect was perceivable for the MoO3/TiO2 catalyst. Moreover, with the same loading rate, the MoO3 catalysts normally present higher aeti,lities than the V2O5 catalysts.