E-mail: cfsha@ fudan.edu.cn,Chaofeng Sha is an associate professor in Fudan University, China. He received the BS degree in applied mathematics in 1998 from Xidian University, China, the MS de- gree in 2001 and the PhD degree in 2009 from Fudan University, China, both in com- puter science. Since 2001, he has been in the School of Computer Science at Fudan University. His work is in the area of data mining and data manage- ment. Keqiang Wang received the bachelor de- gree from East China Normal University (ECNU), China in 2012. He is currently a PhD student at ECNU. His research inter- ests mainly focus on recommender system and data mining. Dell Zhang is a senior lecturer in the De- partment of Computer Science and Infor- mation Systems at Birkbeck, University of London (UOL), UK. He is also a se- nior member of ACM, a senior member of IEEE, and a Fellow of RSS. He joined Birk- beck in 2005. Before he moved to the UK, he was a research fellow at the Singapore-MIT Alliance. His research is on the theme of improving infor- mation retrieval and organisafion through machine learning or data mining. Xiaoling Wang received the bachelor, mas- ter, and doctoral degrees from Southeast- em University, China in 1997, 2000, and 2003, respectively. She is currently a pro- fessor and vice dean in Software Engineer- ing Institute, East China Normal Univer- sity (ECNU), China. She was an assistant professor and an associate professor at Fudan University from 2003 to 2008, and joined ECNU in 2008. She achieved the Programs of New-Century Talent of Ministry of Ed- ucation of China. Her research interests mainly include Web data management, data mining and data service technology. Aoying Zhou is a professor in computer science at East China Normal University (ECNS), China, where he is heading the In- stitute of Massive Computing. Before join- ing ECNU in 2008, he worked for Fudan University at the Computer Science De- partment for 15 years. He is the winner of the National Science Fund for Distin-guished Youn