Purpose. Both Ref. 2 and Ref. 3 can be used to perform dynamical reanalysis of topological modifications of structure. Wenow present a new and, we believe, better method. Our new method first improves the single step perturbation method of Refs. 4 and 5, and then combines the improved single step perturbation method with the Rayleigh-Quotient inverse iteration method of Ref. 6 to perform better the dynamical reanalysis of topological modifications of structure. Eqs. (14) through (28), derived by us in the full paper, summarize mathematically our new method. Finally, we give two numerical examples, whose results are given respectively in Table 1 of the full paper. The numerical results show that our new method yields high precision for topological modifications of structures even if amount of topological modification is great; our new method is easy to implement on a mini-computer. Usually the convergence of inverse iterations was achieved after two iterations. Thus, the computational effort is significantly reduced.