随着工业化进程的推进,环境问题日益凸显,越来越多的企业开始注重环境规制,促进环境 规制与企业协调发展.利用2010-2013年中国工业行业相关数据,对环境规制与技术创新之间的关系 进行实证研究.结果表明,不分行业情况下,环境规制与技术创新显著正相关.根据节能减排原则对行 业进行分类分析,发现低污染低能耗行业的环境规制与创新产出呈现不显著的正相关关系,中污染中能 耗行业的环境规制与创新产出呈现显著的正相关关系,高污染高能耗行业环境规制与创新产出呈现不显 著的负相关关系.
This paper examines the relationship between environmental regulation and technological innovation by industries lrom 2010 to 2013 as data. The results show that the environmental regulation has a signilicant posi- tivecorelation with technological innovation, including all manulacturing industries. When classilying the indus-tries based on the principle ol energy-saving and emission reducing, the study lound that: environmental regula-tion has positive ellect on innovation in medium pollution and energy consumption industrie; the positive correla-tion is not signilicant lor the industries with low pollution and energy consumption industries ; while environmental regulation has negative ellect on innovation in high pollution and energy consumption industries, but insignilicantly also.