分布式数据库系统的关系算子的保密计算协议是多方保密计算(MPC)理论的重要应用领域之一,目前该方向的绝大部分工作主要针对如何构造查询类算子的保密计算协议,对如何构造数据生成类算子的保密计算协议则较少涉及。针对广泛应用的关系联结(join)算子,基于保密及匿名的身份基公钥加密(IBE)方案及其用户私钥盲生成协议给出联结算子的2.方保密计算协议的一种通用的、不依赖于随机oracle(UO标准模型)的有效构造,并证明该构造具有GUC(generlized universal composability)安全性。
It is one of important applications of secure multiparty computation that privacy-preserving SQL computation in distributed relational database. There are only few works dealing with provably-secure privacy-preserving data ma- nipulations in contrast with comparatively abundant works on privacy-preserving data-query in database, among which the join operator is the most powerful in generating new data (relation). By making use of anonymous IBE (identity-based encryption) scheme and its user private-keys blind generation techniques, a very general cryptographic protocol framework is proposed for secure 2-party join computation. This construction is provably GUC (generalized univer-sally composable) secure in the standard model with acceptable efficiency.