随着世界人工听觉植入技术的不断进步,为了解决不同性质的听觉障碍,也为了满足不同程度耳聋病人的需求,听觉植入装置种类也在不断的研发与应用。目前除了人工耳蜗植入( cochlear implant,CI)、振动声桥(VibrantSound—bridge。VSB)、骨锚式助听器(Bone—anchol-edbearingaid.Baha)、听觉脑干植入(auditorybrainstemimplant,ABI)等已经应用于临床外,还有一些听觉植入装置处在临床或临床前期研究阶段,比如全植入式人工耳蜗(totallvimplantablecochlearimplatIt,TICI)、听觉中脑植入(auditorymidbrainimplant,AMI)、光学刺激的人工耳蜗植入(opticalcochlearimplant.OCI)及全植入式中耳植入装置等。但就目前的情况来看,我国在CI、CSB、Baha技术比较成熟,手术技巧已经日渐成熟、人工听觉植入技术为耳聋提供了外科治疗的新理念,无疑是聋人的福音,也是一场听觉医学的新革命。
Along with continuing progress in artificial auditory implantation technology across the world, and for the purpose of treating hearing disorders of various nature and meeting the needs of patients with hearing loss of various severities, there has been on-going development and application of new types of auditory implantation devices (Figure 1) . In addition to adop- tion of cochlear implant (CI), vilrant Soudbridge (VSB), bone-anehored hearing aid, BAHA), auditm brainstem implant (ABI) in the clinic, other auditory implantation devices are also under various stages of clinical or pre-elinica] research, in- eluding totally implamable cochlear implant (TIC1), auditory mhlbrain implant (AMI), optical coo, blear implant (OC1) and total- ly implantable middle ear implant . At present. CI, VSB and BAHA have been generally accepted as matured treatments in China, with increasingly perfecting surgical techniques.