三峡库区空间跨度大、数据海量且格式类型多样,亟需建立三峡库区水量水质综合数据库系统,为库区综合管理与研究提供有效数据支持。该研究通过集成最新的ArcGIS Server、Microsoft Silverlight、Microsoft SQL Server和Microsoft NET等技术,开发了基于Web-GIS的三峡库区水量水质综合数据库系统,实现水量水质数据综合管理、可视化展示和数据共享。该系统友好易用,不仅可以为三峡库区水量水质综合研究提供数据支撑和结果可视化,也可用于三峡库区水资源综合管理,提高工作效率,为科学决策提供可靠的信息支持。
Because of the large spatial span and huge volume of information data related to the Three Gorges Reservoir region,an integrated water management database system is in dire need,for which incorporation of the latest technologies such as ArcGIS Server,Microsoft Silverlight,Microsoft SQL Server and Microsoft Net has been realized to develop a webGIS-based integrated water amount and quality management database system.Consequently,it is possible to facilitate data support for water amount and quality management with functions of information visualization as well as data sharing,thus strengthening scientific decision-making for water resources management in the Three Gorges Reservoir region.