Forward osmosis (FO) is a kind of low energy consumption technology, and membrane bioreac- tor (MBR) is an effective process for wastewater treatment. However, the membrane fouling is a major obstacle to the wide application of MBRs. The FO combined with MBR in a system,a new technology appeared --osmosis membrane bioreactor (OMBR). Based on the characteristics of conventional MBR and OMBR membrane foul- ing, we analyzed the fouling property of carbohydrate, which is the major composition of soluble microbial products (SMP) and extracellular polymeric substances (EPS). Alginate was used to simulate carbohydrate, and based on the composition of wastewater, calcium and magnesium ions were added in the alginate solution, at the same time, as the membrane was asymmetrical, we analyzed the fouling attendance of different membrane orientation. After the experiment, SEM, AFM, FTIR-ATR were carried out to analyze the different fouling membrane. The result indicated that the membrane fouling propensity was alginate + Ca2 +〉 alginate + Mg2+ + Ca2 + 〉 alginate + Mg2 + and different membrane orientation showed different fouling properties, the active layer faced the feed tank pres- ented a more serious membrane fouling.