目的:基于锥体束CT(cone beam computed tomography,CBCT)分析上颌窦黏膜和窦口开放性的特点,并分析黏膜和窦口开放性的关系。方法:选取150名患者的CBCT图像资料,共300个上颌窦。使用CBCT测量上颌窦黏膜厚度,记录上颌窦不同的影像特征,并观察窦口的开放性,以开放和阻塞分类。结果:黏膜平均厚度为4.9mm,大于2mm者占65.67%,黏膜增厚以2~5mm最为多见。上颌窦的病变黏膜增厚最为常见,其次为上颌窦囊肿。有10.67%为阻塞窦口。窦口的开放性与黏膜增厚的程度和类型均有显著的相关性。窦口的平均直径为1.76mm,窦口下界距上颌窦底的平均距离为30.79mm。结论:术前CBCT扫描时应将窦口包含在内。窦口阻塞和上颌窦存在病变的患者术前应请耳鼻喉专家会诊,特别是病变类型为上颌窦囊肿、部分浑浊液体积累和完全浑浊化者,黏膜增厚大于10mm者,因为这些患者窦口阻塞的风险增加。
Objective:To analyze the characteristics of sinus membrane and ostium by cone beam computed tomographic,and to assess the correlation between them.Methods:The study included 150 CBCT radiographs(300maxillary sinuses).The sinus membrane thickness was assessed by three-dimensional reconstruction,and recorded the radiographic findings of sinuses.Additionally,ostium patency was classified as patent or obstructed.Results:The mean sinus membrane thickness was 9.53 mm.Mucosal thickening was found in 65.67% of the maxillary sinuses,and was most frequently observed between 2and 5mm.Ostium obstruction was observed in 10.67% sinuses.Both type and degree of membrane thickening demonstrated significant bivariate associations with ostium obstruction.Conclusion:CBCT scan is recommended to expand to include the maxillary sinus ostium.An ENT consultation is recommended for patients with ostium obstruction and sinus disease,especially for those whose mucosal appearance was classified as ploypoid thickening,partial opacification with liquid accumulation,and total opacification or membrane thickening was more than 10 mm.