[目的]研究不同N肥水平对水稻冠层小气候和群体健康的影响,为研究水稻群体的生产潜力和构建水稻健康群体提供依据。[方法]田间裂区设计,4次重复,以N肥为主区,品种为副区。所有小区均施P、K、Zn,分别为30、40、10 kg/hm^2。N肥设4个水平:N1(不施)、N2(75 kg/hm^2)、N3(145 kg/hm^2)、N4(215 kg/hm^2),分基肥(插秧前1 d)、分蘖中期(MT)、幼穗分化期(PI)、抽穗期(FL)4次施入于MT、PI、FL、FL14(抽穗开花后第14天)4个生长时期在各小区取样,每次每小区取样12蔸,洗净带回室内,测量叶面积、株高,数计茎蘖数,然后去根,分摘茎鞘、叶片和穗,于70℃烘干7 d,分别称干物重。叶面积测定采用Licro-3100叶面积仪,每小区样品测量2 000 cm^2,然后用比叶重法计算叶面积和群体叶面积指数(LAI)。最后,利用Sunscan冠层分析系统研究不同施N条件下形成的水稻群体结构性状对水稻冠层温度、相对湿度和透光率及纹枯病的影响。[结果]群体叶面积指数、株高和茎蘖数对冠层增湿、降温和遮光有极显著效应。冠层昼温、冠层昼湿与LAI和茎蘖数以及透光率与茎蘖数和株高均存在极显著回归关系。在齐穗开花期,单位叶面积指数的冠层昼温下降效应和昼湿增加效应至少分别为0.87℃和2.5%;1 m^2增加100株茎蘖可使冠层昼温至少下降1.23℃,昼湿至少增加3.3%;每10cm株高和1 m^2 100株茎蘖的遮光效应分别为9.3%和7.8%。若固定群体透光率和冠层昼温不变,冠层昼湿每增加10%,齐穗期纹枯病病情指数将提高3.5%;同理,在不考虑性状间协同作用的情况下,群体透光率每减少10%,冠层昼温每降低1℃,齐穗期纹枯病病情指数将分别提高1.5%和2.1%。[结论]冠层昼温降低、冠层昼湿增加和透光率减少导致纹枯病病情指数极显著升高,由高N大群体生成的昼夜变幅小而稳定的冠层小气候将导致水稻群体健康状况?
Objective The aim was to elucidate the effects of N rates on rice canopy microclimate and community health so as to provide a sci- entific basis for studying the production potential in irrigated rice with healthy canopy. Method The effects of rice population structure traits under different N rates on rice canopy temperature, relative humidity ( RH), light transmittance and sheath blight were studied by using Sunscan canopy analysis system and HOBO( Pro Temp/RH IS logger). Result The results showed that leaf area index, plant height and tiller number had significant effects on canopy cooling, RH enhancing and light reducing. Extremely significant multiple linear regression relationships existed among canopy day temperature, day RH, LAI and tiller number, and among light transmittance, tiller number and plant height. At flowering stage, per unit LAI could result in a day-maximum-temperature (Tmax) deceasing of 0.87℃ and a day-minimum-RH (RHmin) enhancing of 2.5% within canopy. Similarly, 100 plants per ms could respectively cause a Tmax deceasing of 1.23℃ and an RHmin enhancing of 3.3% in rice canopy. And per 10 cm plant height and 100 plants per m^2 could respectively reduce 9.3% and 7.8% of light in canopy. Conclusion Sheath blight disease index was significantly enhanced as the canopy day temperature decreased, day RH increased and light transmittance reduced. Bigger canopy from higher nitrogen level treatment leads to a more stable canopy microclimate with little changes in temperature and RH during day and night, which has the risk of worsening canopy health. Thus, moderately controlling the space development of canopy is the basis of constructing healthy canopy in rice.