通过设计一种面向对象的Web Service API框架,使得Service调用者通过特定的命令和参数可实现对Web Service内部对象的操作,并且这些对象的数据可以通过XML格式返回给调用者。传统Web Service API设计中存在着接口数与对象数正相关的问题,随着系统中对象的增加,面向功能的接口设计方法会不断地增加实现了相应对象操作方法的接口,而面向对象的、Web Service API框架可以使用最少的接口实现系统功能,有效地控制了接口的数量,缩短了Web Service词用者的学习曲线。这一框架同时实现了对Session,Cache和事务管理,并且提供安全验证机制,以及数据合法性的验证机制,有效地封装了业务逻辑和数据存取信息。利用这一API框架可以在不增加接口数量的前提下,通过配置文件来添加对象,为系统提供了良好的可拓展性。
Web service caller can manipulate the object in the web service by many commands defined by the object oriented web service API framework, and the data of the object will return to the caller by the XML format. In traditional web service API design, there is a problem that the amount of the interfaces are increasing when adding more objects in the system. This function oriented design must add some new interfaces of the object to implement the manipulation of the object's attributes, but the object oriented method can use the limited interfaces to implement the functions of the system, and shorten the learning curve of the web service caller. This framework implements the management of session, cache, and transaction, and applies the mechanism of security validation, data validation, encapsulation of the business logic and the persistence of the data to the database, the system can be extendible by adding oonfigttration files of other objects without increasing any other new interfaces.