环境内分泌干扰物(environmental endocrine disruptors,EEDs)是一类存在于环境中能改变机体内分泌功能并对机体、子代或亚群引起有害效应的化学物质。包括拟雌激素类、拟睾酮类、拟甲状腺素类、拟其他内分泌功能类。这些化合物广泛存在于日常生活和工作的环境中,可通过多种途径和方式主动或被动进入动物和人体内,而有些EEDs还可通过脐带血进入胎儿体内。大量实验及流行病学资料表明EEDs可引起子代早产、低出生体质量、肥胖、代谢紊乱、泌尿生殖系统异常等方面异常。
Environmental endocrine disruptors (EEDs) is a kind of chemical substances in the environment that can alter endocrine function and therefore do harm to body, offspring or subgroup. It consists of estrogen-like EEDs, testosterone-like EEDs, thyroxin-like EEDs, and other endocrine-like activity EEDs. These compounds widely exist in normal life and work environment. They can enter the body through various channels either in a active or passive way. A large number of experimental and epidemiological data show that EEDs are a cause of offspring health such as the premature birth, low birth weight, obesity, metabolic disorders, genitourinary anomaly and epigenetic changes.