目前,集成学习特别是选择性集成学习研究已经成为统计机器学习研究的一大热点,从众多的个体学习器中选择差异大且效果好的进行集成已被学术界达成共识,但如何度量个体学习器彼此之间的差异性依然是一个难点。本文提出了一种利用变相似度聚类技术来进行选择性集成学习的算法——SE—Bagging Trees算法。模拟数据表明,该算法往往比简单集成学习算法具有更好的学习效果。
Ensemble learning now becomes much popular in the field of statistical machine learning, and there are many people drawing conclusion that combining those base learning with high diversity and good performance can improve the performance of the total ensemble learning. But how to measure the diversity is still a problem. This paper introduces a new ensemble algorithm, SE-Bagging Trees ensemble algorithm, based on variational similarity cluster technology. Compared with simple learning algorithms, it often produces a better performance.