Disputes arise during the hydroelectric development along the Nujiang River, among which we focus on the present activity of the Nujiang Fault and its potential earthquake risks. Using velocity profiles derived from an updated GPS dataset in the Nujiang region, slip rates are estimated as 4.7± 0.8, 6.4± 1.1, and ( 4.3±0.3 ) mm/a right-laterally and 3.9± 0.6, 5.6± 1.1, and ( 4.5±0.3 ) mm/a extensionally along the Yabiluo-Liuku, Liuku-Saige, and south Saige segments of the Nujiang Fault, respectively. According to the relationship between accumulated amount of elastic energy and fault slip rate and that between earthquake magnitude and rupture displacement, above estimates and earthquake catalog suggest potentials of earthquakes with magnitudes 6.4, 6.5, and 6.4 or even larger on the Yabiluo-Liuku, Liuku-Saige, south Saige segments, respectively. Provided that the surface trace of the Nujiang Fault is distributed generally along the Nujiang River, our estimates of fault slip rates and seismic potentials should be taken into account in dam siting and determining requirements of seismic fortification for safety.