In recent years, transformational leadership has become a highly valued topic in academia and industry,which lead enterprise sustainable development through the change. Scholars integrate multidiscipli- nary theories, such as management, psychology, sociology, organizational behavior and economies, etc. , to expand the theoretical and empirical research of transformational leadership and form fruitful research achievements. As the research of transformational leadership continues, scholars have recognized that the segmentation for constitution of transformational leadership from the individual and group level is conducive to in-depth understanding the driving mechanism of team and individual effectiveness in transformational leadership. Therefore, the forefront of research in transformational leadership is the dual-level perspective based on individual-level and group-level. It analyzed the transformational leadership theory origin, system- atically combed the related researches from the perspectives of innovation and creativity, knowledge man- agement, leader's traits and relationship, and further teased out the related research of transformational leadership upon the ambidexterity perspective. Its aim is to master the research context, theoretical development and the future direction of development on transformational leadership.