The paper has studied Zhou's multi-droplet model by a visualized experimental device. Compressed air and pumped water are used as the gas and liquid phases to simulate the process of liquid unloading in gas wells in the device. Based on 288 experimental tests, it is found that, under the condition of gas velocity higher than critical velocity, gas well will start to load water when liquid holdup gets the value of 0.0085, which is less than the value suggested by Zhou; when liquid holdup is greater than 0.0085, increasing the gas flow velocity will unload all the loaded water, and the greater the liquid holdup value, the higher the required gas flow critical velocity to unload the water. According to the experimental data, this paper modifies Zhou's multi-droplet model, and presents a new model which is consistent with the experimental data. The new model can be used of gas well deliquification research and engineering application in high water cut gas wells.