To examine the contribution of hydrological and biological processes to nutrient retention in aheadwater stream with growing lots of aquatic macrophytes,eight field tracer experiments were conducted atan agricultural headwater stream reach, predominated by Phragmites australis, in the Nanfeihe River fromSeptember 2014 to June 2015. Such three typical hydrodynamic parameters as Reynolds numbers(Re),Froude numbers(Fr),and Manning roughness coefficient(n) of stream flows were calculated firstly accord-ing to the hydraulic data. Subsequently,both the practical and relative contributions of hydrological and bio-logical processes to NH4+and PO43-retention as well as the total retention ratios of the two nutrients wereestimated quantitatively. Study results show that the stream reach displayed striking turbulence characteris-tics over the eight tracer experiments and its flow status belonged to subcritical flow. The values of n ranged from 0.066 to 0.112,with a mean value of 0.089. The proportional NH4+and PO4^3-retention rangedfrom 9.17% to 28.27% and 5.75% to 17.79%,with the averages of 14.68% and 12.53%,respectively. Thepractical contribution rates of hydrological and biological factors to NH4+retention were 10.12% and 4.57%,respectively, and 10.12% and 2.41% for PO4^3-, respectively. The relative contributions of hydrological andbiological processes to NH4+retention were 72.51% and 27.49%,respectively,and 81.42% and 18.58% forPO4^3-,respectively. The findings mentioned above indicate that hydrological process has a greater impact onthe retention of NH4^+and PO4^3-for the studied stream reach. Moreover, relationship between the hydrody-namic parameters(i.e. Q, Re and Fr) and the Manning roughness coefficient(n) could be expressed byusing power functions, but no obvious relationship has been found between the practical retention ratio(i.e. ηNH4,ηPO4) and the following hydrodynamic parameters as n and Re.