1989年中日联合青藏高原冰川考察在唐古拉山口开始进行冰川、水文气候学观测,距今已经整整20 a.时过境迁,合作双方的研究所均已重组、更名,然而1989-1993年间考察研究所起到的开创性作用、当时取得成果至今仍具有重要科学意义.而且当时建立的一些观测站点,借助一些大型课题,如GAME/Tibet、国家自然科学基金重点项目和国家重点基础研究发展计划(973计划)项目的支持一直持续工作至今.最近,完善了位于冬克玛底冰川末端的冰川监测系统,将对该地区的冰冻圈和气候环境变化研究做出更多的贡献.
The Glaciological and hydro-climatologically observations at the Tanggula Pass of the Tibetan Plateau have been lasted for 20 years,which started with the China-Japan Joint Project of Cryosphere Research on Qingzang Plateau at 1989.The collaboration institutions have been reconstructed or renamed.However,the innovative observational works and the scientific progress are still benefiting the cryospheric sciences.The observation frameworks started at the beginning of the project are working up to now by the supports from the Project of GAME/Tibet and others.Recently,the frameworks at Dongkemadi Glacier tongue have been reconstructed by the Institute of Tibetan Plateau Research,Chinese Academy of Sciences.It will contribute more to the research work in the Tibetan Plateau.