The Niger Oelta is an important ail-hearing area in the world and folds played an imporlant role in its reservoir formation. By analyzing the exploration data, tire types of folds and the sequential relationships among various kinds of folds are discussed. The Niger l)eha can be divided into three tectonic behs, i.e., tailing extensional bell, transitional heh, and leading compressive belt from the onshore to the offshore, respeelively. The lhree belts conslitute an inlegral gravilational sliding system. Rollover anticlines oecured in the extensional beh and the dominanl traps were anlielines with fault blocks and litholngy-stralum traps. Mudstone diapir-related drape anticlines occurred in the transilional bell and the dominant traps were anliclines with sand bodies at the banks of mudstone diapirs and between the diapirs. Thrust faulting-related anticlines occm'red in the leading comlpressive beh amt the main trails were anliclines with sand bodies at the banks of the anticlines and belween the anliclines. Folding began at the Eocene, Miocene, and middle Miocene-Pliocene for these three behs. respectively. The shortening caused by folding was accommodated by extension in the extensional beh. The fohting-related traps such as anticlines and sandstone lenses in various leclonic belts were the dominant Iraps thai accumulated almost all Ihe nil and gas reserves in the Niger Delta.