This paper systematically investigates the effects of banks' credit allocation behaviors and credit pri- cing abilities as financial intermediaries on firms' loan availability and financing cost during the period of joint - stock system reform. By using the long - term loan data during 2004 - 2011, empirical results show that good firms with higher ROA, lower agency cost and higher business credit can get more loans, but can't reduce their financing cost from banks. Findings also suggest that the state - owned enterprises' financing cost is significantly lower than that of private enterprises. Maintaining relationships with more banks can help firms get more loans but make no effect on their financing cost. Furthermore, joint - stock commercial banks' are better than large state- owned commercial banks both on credit allocation and pricing ability. The above results mean that the banking credit allocation efficiency has been significantly improved after the joint - stock system reform. Howev- er, loan pricing ability of commercial banks remains limited despite the liberalization of lending rate caps from 2004. This study provides further evidence for banking credit pricing reform and the promotion of market - based reform of interest rates by People's Bank of China.