Let Kn denote the complete graph with n vertices. A (k, λ)-cycle packing (resp. covering) of Kn is a pair (V, C), where V is the vertex set of Kn and C is a collection of k-cycles of Kn, such that each edge of Kn is contained in at most (resp. at least) )λ k-cycles of C.A (k, λ)-cycle packing (resp. covering) (V, C) is called almost resolvable if C can be partitioned into almost parallel classes, each of which is a collection of 「n/k」 vertex disjoint k- cycles. A maximum(resp, minimum) almost resolvable (k, ),)-cycle packing (resp. covering) of Kn, is an almost resolvable (k,λ)-cycle packing (resp. covering) of Kn (V, C) in which the number of almost parallel classes, denoted by Pλ(n, k) (resp. C),(n, k)), is as large (resp. small) as possible. P1 (n, 4) and C1 (n, 4) have been decided by Billington et al. recently. In this paper, we shall decide P2 (n, 4) and C2 (n, 4) for any n 〉 4.