利用山西数字地震台网中心6年的远震数据计算接收函数并进行H-k搜索,以获得台站下方的地壳厚度.结果表明, 山西地区在平遥盆地北缘的文水—晋中一线,地壳厚度存在北厚南薄差异变化的坡折带,称之为“晋中坡折带”.该带呈NEE向延伸,其南部地区地壳厚度37~40 km,北部地区厚41~45 km.本文分析认为,该坡折带代表早前寒武纪基底构造,是华北克拉通内部的重要构造边界.山西地区基底构造保存完好,地壳厚度未明显减薄.
Seismic data collected by Shanxi Digital Seismic Network during a six-year time period were used to compute crustal thickness using the receiver function method and H-k search. The results show that at the northern margin of Pingyao Basin in Shanxi region, there exists a transition belt along the line between Wenshui and Jinzhong, called Jinzhong transition belt. The belt acts as a dividing line between the south thin crust (about 37~40 km) and the north thick crust (about 41~45 km) trending in NEE direction. We consider this transition belt being related to early precambrian basement structure and an important tectonic boundary inside the North China Craton. In this region, the basement structure is well-preserved and the crust is relatively thick.