利用澳大利亚气象局的MJO(Madden-Julian Oscillation)指数,通过位相合成及对比分析研究了MJO对我国东部春季降水的影响。研究表明,当MJO传播至中东印度洋时,我国长江中下游地区的春季降水为正异常,当其进一步东传至中南半岛-印尼群岛一带时,我国华南地区的春季降水为正异常,而在其他活动阶段不利于我国东部的春季降水。对比分析表明,MJO的活动主要通过引起大尺度环流异常、对流层中低层涡度及水汽输送的异常,进而对我国东部春季降水产生明显的影响。
Phase composite analyses have been conducted to investigate the possible effects of the Madden-Julian oscillation(MJO) on the spring rainfall anomalies in East China by using the Real-time Multivariate MJO(RMM) index from Australian Meterological Bureau.The results show that the rainfall anomalies in the mid-lower Valley of Yangtze River are positive when the MJO shifts eastward to the mid-eastern Indian Ocean,and the rainfall anomalies in southern China are positive when the MJO moves further eastward to the vicinity of Indo-China Peninsula and Indonesia,whereas spring rainfall anomalies in East China are negative in the other MJO episodes.The MJO impacts on the precipitation in East China result from the changes in large-scale atmospheric circulation together with the vorticity and vapor transportation at mid-lower levels in the troposphere.