法向承力锚(Vertically Loaded Plate Anchor,VLA)是一种适用于深水的新型系泊基础,它的拖曳安装过程直接决定了其系泊定位的精度和锚体的最终承载能力。综合考虑VLA锚体、锚泊线和上部船体的运动,建立了一种新的准静力整体分析模型。模型包括不断贯入海床的锚体、锚泊线(土中反悬链段和水中悬链段)和安装船体三部分,针对确定的锚泊线长度,安装船运动张紧锚泊线进行安装的过程,计算了此过程中锚体的运动轨迹、锚泊线形态和作用在船体上的锚泊线张力矢量的变化,重点分析了不同抛链长度和海床土体的参数对安装过程控制的影响,发现链长与水深之比达到5时,接近极限贯入深度。
Vertically loaded plate anchor is a new type of mooring foundations widely used in deepwater anchoring. Its installation process directly determines the mooring positioning precision and the anchor ultimate bearing capacity. A new quasi-static analysis model is presented considering three segments, the anchor, the mooring line (including the line embedded in soil and suspended in wa- ter) and the installation vessel. Given chain length, the anchor trajectory and the profile and tension distribution of mooring line are computed when the anchor is dragged. Effects of soil parameters and different mooring line lengths are studied. The results show that when the mooring length is 5 times the water depth, the drag depth of anchor approaches ultimate penetration depth.