As the core of a country's technological strength, high-tech industries become more and more important. China, Japan and South Korea are the major exporter of high-tech products and the FTA negotiations among them are about to start. In this context, this paper described the status of high-tech products of China, Japan and South Korea. It applied the export Sophistication index constructed by Hausmann to estimate high-tech products export Sophistication of China, Japan and South Korea's with HS 4-digit. Then it analyzed the technical features and the evolution trend of high-tech products export in China, Japan and South Korea. The authors found that although China has become the world's largest high-tech products export country, Japan and South Korea's high-tech products embodied higher technology and their high- tech industry are more mature, while the technology gap of high-tech industry exports between China and Japan-Korea is expanding. Finally, the paper put forward relevant proposals in order to promote the technical level of China's high-tech industry.