Based on the dynamic simulation model,this paper divided the dynamic response indexes of the vehi-cle system under the track irregularity into three regions,namely rebuilding region,deteriorating region and maintaining region,built the region estimation model of dynamic response indexes,and acquired the boundary lines of different regions with the valid mapping relation between track irregularity indexes and the dynamic re-sponse regions of vehicle system components.On the basis of above model and simple variable method,the au-thors further divided the excitation sources of vehicle-track system into track irregularity and other composite factors (such as temperature load,material damage,etc.)and put forward a relatively simple dynamic inver-sion method for railway line infrastructure status,according to the region estimation model of dynamic re-sponse indexes.The basic principle of the method is that if statistical properties of the track irregularities re-main unchanged,while other composite factors change,the estimation and the actual measured regions of the dynamic response indexes will produce a step change,whereby the elemental status of the railway can be deter-mined as normal or not.The simulation results showed that the accuracy rate of region estimation for the dy-namic response indexes was above 80%,while the identification accuracy for line structural damage condition of fastener disengaging was above 70%.