Transient voltage suppression (TVS) is used commonly in electronic circuit design as the ESD protection device, and its reliability Would greatly impact on the safety of the whole circuit. The bidirectional TVS device PESD5VOU1BA is researched, the shortcircuit failure mechanism of the device and its effects were researched by experiment and simulation. The results show that while the TVS device is applied high voltage, the SiO2 with defects would occur self-healing punch -through; when the pn junctions of the device is punch-throughed, the TVS device would failure. After the two pn junctions of the TVS device are both punch-throughed, its I-V characteristic would performance as the resistance characteristic. While the TVS device is failure, its clamp function can still be observed, and the clamp voltage is even lower, but the leakage current of the device has increased and it would influence the normal working of the protected circuit.