根据辐射沙洲邻近主水道和中心沙洲滩面水道33个站次的准同步实测潮流资料, 计算了各站位垂线平均欧拉余流、斯托克斯余流、拉格朗日余流, 并分别进行了逐站位的分析和比较.各站位斯托克斯余流相对较小, 在水道口门处斯托克斯余流较大, 余流流向大都沿涨潮流向, 豆腐渣腰门水道及其以东站位的斯托克斯余流则大致沿落潮流向.欧拉余流和拉格朗日余流大小和流向基本一致.研究海域存在着半封闭的顺时针方向的海水净输移.西洋水道和条鱼港水道是辐射沙洲中心腹地的净进水通道, 而豆腐渣腰门水道、陈家坞槽水道、外王家槽水道、苦水洋海域水道则是净出水通道.
Using water current data from 30 tidal current survey sites in radial sand ridges off Jiangsu coast, East China, local Euler, Lagrangian and Stokes residual currents are calculated. Channels of net-water fluxes in mid tide period were determined. The Stokes residual current at each site was weaker than those of Euler and Lagrangian ones. In the mouth of tidal lodes, the Stokes residual current was slightly stronger than those of other's and tended to the direction of local flood current, while in a tidal channel at Doufuzha and beyond, it followed local ebb current. The Euler and Lagrangian residual currents were similar in intensity and direction. In the study area, a clockwise semi-close circulation of net-water flux has been revealed. The tidal channels at Xiyang and Tiaoyugang are the inflow channels of net-water fluxes. However, those at Doufuzha, Chenjiawu and Waiwangjiacao, and marine area of Kushuiyang were the outflow channels of net-water fluxes.