自2005年12月至2006年11月连续观察其他药物或手术后残余高眼压的原发性开角型青光眼或高眼压患者42例(42眼),将患者从原药物替换为曲伏前列腺素单一药物治疗.采用Goldman眼压计测定眼压,观察基线眼压,治疗后4周及12周眼压的变化及安全性指标、结膜充血症状、睑皮肤色素沉着症等.结果显示,42例(42眼)中疗效显著者25例,占59.6%;有效者10例,占23.8%;无效者7例,占16.6%;基线平均眼压3253.05 Pa(24.40mmHg),替换4周的平均眼压2306.47Pa(17.30mmHg)及12周为2119.82Pa(15.90mmHg);结膜充血轻度37例,占76.2%;中度10例占23.8%;睑皮肤色素沉着症2例,占4.76%.研究表明曲伏前列腺素替换治疗能够显著降低目标眼压的原发性开角型青光眼或高眼压患者的眼压,降压疗效持续稳定.
From December 2005 to November 2006, a total of 42 patients with POAG or ocular hypertension who took the treatment of traeoprost after they carried out the surgery or used other medicines. After 4- and 12 - week treatment, the change of intraocular pressure was recorded using a Goldman electronic tonometer,and the safety indicators of travoprost, eonjunetival congestion and eyelid skin pigmentation were recorded. Among the patients, 59.6% (25) showed significant treatment effects, 23.8% (10) had improvements and 16.6% (7) were not improved. The average basic intraoeular pressure was 24.40 mmHg, while after 4 weeks traeoprost treatment it reached 17.30mmHg, and after 12 weeks it was 15.90mmHg. Mild eonjunetival congestions were found with 37 patients (76.25%), 23.8% (10) have moderate conjunctival congestions. It shows that the treatment of traeoprost can achieve significant and stable effects on the patients with primary angle closure glaucoma and ocular hypertension.