With the increasing demands on exper!mental teaching resources, remote experimental platform have attracted much attention. Remote fiber-optics experiment platform has been studied in this paper. The laboratory apparatuses can be controlled remotely based on LabVIEW technique; the stepper motor is used to rotate the polarization controller based on micro-controller technique for controlling the optical polarization states in fibers. The platform has features of flexible control, user-defined light-path, live on-site video, and automatic record of measurement data. It can be accessed by clients with various the Internet terminals within 24-hour to achieve effective utilization of lab resources. Meanwhile, It employs the combination of Labview and micro-controller techniques so that the integrating multiple fiber-optic experiments in one platform can be achieved, and it significantly reduces the implementation complexity. Besides, a simple scheme of electrically-controlled polarization controller is implemented to adjust optical polarization states in fibers. The scheme is critical to implement more complicated remote lab experiments in the future. This remote experiment platform operates stably and alleviates the scarce pressure of experimental equipment effectively by experiments.