采用土壤平板法和稀释平板法,从采自贵州省的20份土壤样品中分离得到14个暗色丝孢菌分离物,隶属于11属12种。其中,浅色腐殖霉Humicola pallescens为一新种,绿色暗梗单孢霉厚垣变种Chloridium virescens var.chlamy dosporum和印度粘束霉Graphiumindicum为中国新记录。对新种及中国新记录作了较详细的描述并绘图。其余9个国内已报道种亦作了生境和分布地点的引证。所有研究菌株的干制培养物标本与活菌种均存放在山东农业大学植物病理学标本室(HSAUP)。
Fourteen isolates of soil dematiaceous hyphomycetes belonging to 12 species in 11 genera were obtained from 20 soil samples of Guizhou Province.Among them,Humicola pallescens is described as a new species,Chloridium virescens var.chlamydosporum and Graphium indicum are new records to China.All dried specimens and living cultures examined are deposited in the Herbarium of Plant Pathology(HSAUP) of Shandong Agricultural University.