通过使用IDL连接桥(IDL Export Bridges)技术,构建可调用IDL运行库的COM封装对象;并结合.NET在开发Windows桌面应用程序方面的优点,设计开发能够满足业务化需求的湖泊水环境遥感自动化监测系统。该系统可对多种遥感影像进行预处理,并针对不同湖泊区域进行水质参数反演,最终完成制图输出和报告文档。
Based on the IDL export bridge technology,the com wrapper object can be constructed which connects with IDL runtime,and integrate advantages in developing desktop application using.net so as to design and implement the automated remote sensing monitoring system for lake water environment.The system can pre-process multiple remote sensing images,and calculate water quality parameters for different lake regions and output graphics as well as the reporting documents.