This paper briefly discusses the applicability, validity and error source of the geothermometers and geobarometers applicable to metapelites. Through comparative studies, we have found that some thermobarometers are valid and applicable, including the garnet-biotite and garnet-muscovite geothermometers, and the gamet-aluminosilicate-plagioclase-quartz (GASP), garnet-biotite-plagioclase-quartz (GBPQ), garnet-muscovite-plagioelase-quartz (GMPQ), gamet-biotite-muscovite-aluminosilicate-quartz (GBMAQ) and garnet-rutileilmenite-plagioclase-quartz (GRIPS) geobarometers. The present two-mica and muscovite-plagioclase geothermometers are not valid and cannot be applied. Still some thermometers and barometers need to be studied in order to evaluate their validity and applicability, including the garnet-cordierite geothermometer and the garnetcordierite-aluminosilieate-quartz (GCAQ) and garnet-rutile-aluminosilieate-ilmenite-quartz (GRAIL) geobarometers.