针对现有模型解决航空器滑行轨迹优化时冲突约束能力不足问题,提出了一种新的混合整数线性规划(mixed integer linear programming,MILP)模型。利用区域划分和区域公共节点网络构建层次化滑行道结构模型,提高了滑行道建模精度,并在此基础上应用区域控制规则实现对滑行道的无冲突占用。同时,基于滚动时域策略对复杂的滑行轨迹优化问题分阶段求解,提高了滑行规划模块的灵活性和求解速度。实验结果表明,利用该模型能够有效回避滑行冲突,降低平均滑行时间和距离,提高场面运行效率。
Existing models for aircraft ground movement(or taxiing)trajectory optimization tend to have weak conflict avoidance capability.For this reason,a novel mixed integer linear programming(MILP)model is proposed.It utilizes a partition model and inter-region node network to enhance the modeling fidelity of taxiways,and adopts the zone control strategy to ensure conflict-free occupancy of taxiway parts.Based on the rolling horizon scheme,the proposed model solves trajectory optimization stage by stage,which reduces the computational cost in general and makes the taxi planning module more flexible.Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed model in terms of conflict avoidance.And a comparative test with a sequential planning approach shows that it can also improve airport ground movement efficiency with less taxi time and shorter taxi distance.