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  • 期刊名称:李从先,范代读,杨守业,蔡进功,中国河口三角洲地区晚第四纪下切河谷层序特征和形成,古地理学报.10(
  • 时间:0
  • 分类:P531[天文地球—古生物学与地层学;天文地球—地质学]
  • 作者机构:[1]同济大学海洋与地球科学学院,上海200092
  • 相关基金:国家自然科学基金(批准号:40276018)和国家海洋局908项目(批准号:908-02-02-05)资助的课题
  • 相关项目:长江三角洲晚新生代地层锆石精细年代学对长江流域演化的示踪



Four incised-valley systems including the Luanhe fan-delta, the Changjiang delta, the Qiantangjiang estuary, and the Zhujiang delta in China, are discussed based on over 800 drilling-holes. These incised vallies are elongated or fan-shaped and with tens to hundreds of kilometers in length, tens of kilometers in width and 40 -90 m in depth. Four facies assemblages (FS-Ⅰ , FS-Ⅱ , FS-Ⅲ and FS-Ⅵ) are distinguished in the incised-valley sequences. An ideal incised-valley sequence may include all four types, with FS-I near the coastline region and FS-Ⅵ at the top of the deltas, which indicates a decreasing marine influence and an increasing terrestrial effect. The Late Quaternary incised-valley sequence inthese deltas and the estuary areas may be distinguished into transgressive and regressive succesions. The thickness of the transgressive succession make up more than 50% of the total thickness of the entire sequence and the transgressive sediment volume constitutes approximately 60% - 70% of the total. The transgressive succession of the incised-valley sequences was formed by retrogressive aggradation during sea level rising. The fluvial-channel facies in the transgressive succession, was formed in the river reach where the retrogressive aggradation extended but the flood tidal currents did not arrive. It usually contains no marine microfossils and tidal sedimentary structures. A regionally comparable erosional surface is not found in the transgressive succession of the incised-valley sequence, which means there is no erosional record resulting from the fluctuations of the postglacial sea level rising rate or even minor sea level fall. The regressive succession in the incised-valley sequences was developed as the estuary was filled and delta pro- graded. The Changjiang paleo-estuary was filled by strong tidal facies and then by deltaic facies, and the tidal regime in it was changed from macro-tidal to meso-tidal process. In the Luanhe fan-delta and the Zhujiang delta areas, the paleo-estuaries were fille
