The calculation processes and consideration on the physical regime of C3PO, a ray-tracing code, and LUKE, a fast numerical solver for the 3-D Fokker-Planck equation, are presented. Bounce average is used and the relativistic and particle-trapped effects are taken into account in the codes. The simulation and analysis of plasma current influence on rays propagation and current drive (CD) efficiency in EAST divertor configuration have been carded out using these codes. The numerical results indicate that, with the increase of plasma current, the rotation of the poloidal rays trajectory becomes faster, the power deposition profile shifts on axis, and the CD efficiency becomes higher. In addition, it is discovered that the trajectory provided high Nll-upshift when the ray propagated towards the edge density cut-off at the top of the chamber and then bounced back towards the plasma centre. When the effect of radial diffusion of fast electrons is considered, the shape of driven current becomes broad, but CD efficiency decreases due to the radial loss and collisional loss of electrons moving to the region where collision is serious. While the diffusion coefficient is assumed to be 1.5m2-s-1, the modeling result of driven current approaches to the experimental value.