[目的]对水稻斑马叶突变体zebra524进行表型鉴定和候选基因分析,为进一步探讨该基因功能及在农业生产上的应用奠定基础。[方法]用甲基磺酸乙酯(EMS)诱变粳稻品种日本晴建立突变体库,从突变体库中筛选得到1份苗期为斑马叶的突变体,该突变体被命名为zebra524。对突变体的表型进行系统观察,并调查其主要的农艺性状。然后,分别测量突变体苗期和孕穗期的叶片及灌浆期籽粒颖壳的光合色素含量。将突变体分别与正常绿色品种进行杂交,并调查杂交F1叶色表型和F2群体叶色分离情况。利用zebra524×冈46B的F2作为定位群体,对zebra524突变体进行基因定位和候选基因遴选,并进行DNA测序验证及编码蛋白序列同源性分析。[结果]zebra524突变体表现为苗期叶片白色和淡绿色横向相间的斑马叶,孕穗期叶片上白色的区域完全转变为淡绿叶并且新长出的叶子表现为淡绿色,抽穗至灌浆结实期籽粒的颖壳苍白色,成熟期节呈褐色、节间基部呈粉红色、胚和颖果基部呈橙红色以及在黑暗条件下培养萌发的胚芽呈橙红色。该突变体苗期及孕穗期叶片叶绿素含量分别降低82.8%和20.9%,类胡萝卜素含量分别降低64.7%和32.6%;灌浆结实期籽粒颖壳的叶绿素和胡萝卜素含量分别降低38.1%和42.8%。成熟期,zebra524突变体的株高、每穗着粒数、结实率和千粒重比野生型分别减少12.3%、9.5%、13.0%和5.4%。zebra524突变体F1的植株叶片表现为正常的绿色,杂交F2群体中正常植株与突变植株分离明显,正常叶色植株数目与突变植株数目的比值接近3﹕1,表明zebra524的突变性状是由1对隐性核基因控制。该突变基因被定位于第2染色体短臂上的SSR标记RM7082和InDel标记Y2之间,遗传距离分别为0.5 cM 和1.7 cM,这2个标记之间的物理距离约为235 kb。序列分析发现,zebra524突变体在LOC_Os02g09750编?
[Objective] The present study was aimed at morphological characterization and candidate gene analysis of zebra leaf mutant zebra524 in rice, so as to lay the foundation for further functional analysis of this gene and its application in agricultural production. [Method] A zebra leaf mutant, designated as zebra524, was isolated from an ethyl methanesulfonate (EMS)-mutagenized population. Morphological characteristics and the agronomic traits of the mutant and its wildtype were contrasted systematically. Using spectrophotometer, photosynthetic pigment contents in leaves of the mutant and its wildtype were measured at seedling and booting stages, and in glumes at grain-filling stage, respectively. After the zebra524 mutant was crossed with normal green varieties, the leaf colour phenotypes of the F1 progenies and the segregation ratio of zebra leaf plants to green leaf plants in the F2 populations were investigated. A total of 575 zebra leaf mutant individuals in the F2 mapping population generated from the cross between the mutant and G46B (Indica) were used for mapping using molecular markers. In addition, putative genes in the mapped region were analyzed, and candidate genes in the mutant and its wild-type were sequenced, respectively. Subsequently, DNA sequencing of β-OsLCY gene and alignment of the deduced amino acid sequences of homologous β-OsLCY proteins were conducted. [Result] During seedling and tillering stages, the zebra524 mutant showed alternating transverse pale green and albino sectors on leaves. During booting stage, its albino sectors turned into pale green and hereafter, the newly grown leaves became completely pale green. The zebra524 mutant also showed pale glumes during heading and grain-filling stages, and brown nodes, pink basal internodes, orange-red embryos and basal caryopsises at maturation stage. In addition, plumules of zebra524 showed an orange-red color in the dark. Chlorophyll contents in leaves of the zebra524 mutant decreased by 82.8% and 20.9%, and carotenoid contents d