包涵体中的重组蛋白经抽提后可以在变性状态下纯化,而纯化后的复性过程是基因工程下游处理的重要环节。通过对变应原Bla g2蛋白复性前后荧光光谱的比较和分析、变性剂(尿素和SDS)对复性后Bla g2蛋白的荧光滴定实验、以及复性后Bla g2在不同pH下的荧光光谱分析,推断出Bla g2蛋白分子在不同环境下构象的变化及其光谱学特征,初步建立了一种新的检测重组变应原蛋白变复性的光谱实验方法。
Recombinant proteins extracted from inclusion body remain in denaturation status. Renaturation in vitro after initial purification is a key step of downstream processing. A common method of renaturation of recombinant proteins is the dilution method. With Bla g 2 as a model protein, the conformational changes of denatured and renatured Bla g 2 were investigated by applying fluorescence spectra. The effects of different urea concentrations, different SDS concentrations and different pH on the fluorescence intensity of renatured protein were also investigated. The reasons for these were studied with the knowledge of molecular structure.