E.coli heat-inducible lysyl-tRNA synthetase(LysU,EC6.1.1.6) is known to be a highly efficient Ap4A/Ap3A synthase with dual catalytic activity: 2ATP →Ap4A+2Pi→Ap3A+3Pi.To get better known on the intermediate reversible model of LysU,LysU was purified and confirmed its structural stability by circular dichroism and intrinsic fluorescence spectrum.An easy-fast ion-exchange chromatography technique was set up and products were sequentially separated for mass spectrometry.Results demonstrated that LysU initially produce 83% Ap4A from ATP,and then turn over Ap4A into 67% Ap3A.However,LysU was accidentally discovered can consecutively catalyze Ap3A into 85% ADP as the final product.By using AMPPCP and AMPCPP as ATP surrogate,the Ap3A/ADP reaction was blocked.Mechanistic investigations proved that LysU is triple catalytic activity enzyme: 2ATP →Ap4A+2Pi→Ap3A+3Pi→2ADP+2Pi.Therefore,LysU catalyze the formation of Ap4A/Ap3A/ADP via phosphate-based trap mechanism which is either phosphate-base as inorganic phosphate as added ADP,or nucleotide as ADP as added Ap3A.