Voltage notch was a periodic voltage disturbance appeared in power grids caused by electrostatic discharging and power electronic device commutation. As the frequency of voltage notch disturbances was very high, traditional signal analysis methods were difficult to check it out. A method was proposed for detecting voltage notch and identifying the characteristic parameters based on phase space reconstruction. The attractor was reconstructed using coordinate delay method, and the optimal delay was determined with mutual information function. Sequence of correlation dimension was calculated to determine the optimal embedding dimension. The phase trajectory of voltage notch signal in reconstruction phase space was divided into regular component and disturbance. The voltage notch was detected, the characteristic parameters such as angle, width, RMS depth and maximum depth of the voltage notch was extracted. The simulation results show that the proposed method can achieve the task of voltage .notch detection and characteristic parameters identification. Compared with the wavelet transform detection algorithm, this method has the advantages of small amount of calculation and good real-time applications.