为了改善高压子母叶片泵特性,使用极径沿转角线性变化的等速曲线代替早期双作用高压子母叶片泵定子曲线的大圆弧段,从叶片泵工作油腔油液预升压、泵的流量和叶片受力等方面展开研究。结果发现,当等速曲线的起点与终点极径差值为0.1 mm时,泵的工作油腔油液预升压力在转子从过渡区线起始点转过2°后,压力变化幅度变小;对泵的流量特性影响很小,仅减小10-4 m3/s;叶片受到的径向接触反力减小160 N,可以有效减小叶片的磨损、降低泵的噪声。
Big radius arc of stator curve in intra-vane type pump was replaced by an equal velocity curve whose radius was changed according to rotation angle.And advance rising pressure of oil in working room,contract force of vane and flow characteristic of pump were studied for intra-vane type pump.It is found that the amplitude of advance rising pressure of oil in working room was decreased after the rotor rotated 2° from the beginning of transition curve of vane pump when the big radius arc of vane pump stator curve was replaced by equal velocity curve.When the value of variable radius between the beginning and end of equal velocity curve was 0.1 mm,the contract force of vane could be decreased by 160 N and the rate of flow decreased by only 10-4 m3/s.So the improved stator curve has little influence on flow characteristic,and the condition of dynamics characteristic of vane can be improved,with which the abrasion of vane and noise of pump can be reduced.