广东沿海环境复杂多样,造成危害的污损生物以网纹藤壶(Balanus reticulatus)、翡翠贻贝(Perna viridis)、钟巨藤壶(Megabalanus tintinnabulum tintinnabulum)、华美盘管虫(Hydrioides elegans)、多室草苔虫(Bugula neritina)和僧帽牡蛎(Saccostrea cucullata)等热带、亚热带的沿岸广布种类为主,且全年均有生物附着.今后研究应着重探讨相关海区污损生物群落的形成和发展规律,研发高效环保的新型防除方法和技术,了解和弄清城市化过程对海洋生态环境的影响,为海洋经济的健康持续发展奠定基础.
The marine environments in coastal waters of Guangdong province are complex and diverse. The fouling organisms are mainly composed of tropical and subtropical coastal widespread species, of which'the common species are Bcdanus reticulatus, Perna viridis, Megabalanus tintinnabulum tintinnabulum, Hydrioides elegans, Bugula neritina and Saccostrea cucullata. The fouling phenomenon occurs throughout the year. To solve the fouling problems effectively and maintain the development of marine economy healthily and sustainably, further work should be focused on the mechanism of the fouling communities succession in the above-mentioned waters, the influence of urbanization of coastal habitats on marine ecosystems and development of novel, effective and environment friendly approaches to anti-fouling.