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  • ISSN号:1000-1298
  • 期刊名称:《农业机械学报》
  • 时间:0
  • 分类:O657.33[理学—分析化学;理学—化学] S661.2[农业科学—果树学;农业科学—园艺学]
  • 作者机构:[1]浙江大学生物系统工程与食品科学学院,杭州310058, [2]农业部农产品产地处理装备重点实验室,杭州310058
  • 相关基金:国家自然科学基金面上项目(31571562)



With the development of social economy and growth of people's living standand, the demond of fruit quality is ever increasing. Quality detection and grading of postharvest fruit is an integral part of eommoditization processing, which is also an effective way to achieve high price with good quality. Visible/NIR spectroscopy with the advantages of rapid, nondestructive and being on-line analyzing, has been widely used in agriculture. In the actual application of visible/NIR spectroscopy for on-line detection of fruit internal quality, multi-channels measurement often exists, in which the prediction model is not universal among multi channels due to different spectrometers or their different manufacture precisions. Calibration model transfer is a key problem in visible/NIR spectral quantitative analysis. Comparative analysis of some calibration model transfer methods, such as direct standardization (DS) , piecewise direct standardization (PDS), slope/bias (S/B) between two different visible/NIR spectrometers (master and slave spectrometers, model QE65000 and QE65Pro, Ocean Optics, Inc., USA) in the sugar content on-line detection of crown pears was carried out at conveyor speed of 0.5 m/s. The results showed that the prediction values by DS algorithm and DS algorithm based on the mean spectra subtraction correction (MSSC- DS) were relatively good with low root mean square error of prediction (RMSEP) of less than 0.5° Brix, which can satisfy the industry application. And pre- processing method of MSSC can improve the prediction accuracy of calibration model transfer by eliminating and mitigating the differences between the spectra acquired on master and slave spectrometers. However, the best prediction result on salve instrument after calibration model transfer ( RMSEP was 0. 453°Brix) was still inferior to that predicted by the model developed directly using slave data (RMSEP was 0. 381°Brix). Thus, in the actual application, appropriate modeling selection should be considered f

  • 《农业机械学报》
  • 中国科技核心期刊
  • 主管单位:中国科学技术协会
  • 主办单位:中国农业机械学会 中国农业机械化科学研究院
  • 主编:任露泉
  • 地址:北京德胜门外北沙滩一号6号信箱
  • 邮编:100083
  • 邮箱:njxb@caams.org.cn
  • 电话:010-64882610 64867367
  • 国际标准刊号:ISSN:1000-1298
  • 国内统一刊号:ISSN:11-1964/S
  • 邮发代号:2-363
  • 获奖情况:
  • 荣获中国科协优秀期刊二等奖,1997~2000年连续4年获中国科协择优资金,被列入中国期刊方阵,中国期刊方阵“双效”期刊
  • 国内外数据库收录:
  • 美国化学文摘(网络版),英国农业与生物科学研究中心文摘,荷兰文摘与引文数据库,美国工程索引,美国剑桥科学文摘,日本日本科学技术振兴机构数据库,中国中国科技核心期刊,中国北大核心期刊(2004版),中国北大核心期刊(2008版),中国北大核心期刊(2011版),中国北大核心期刊(2014版),中国北大核心期刊(2000版)
  • 被引量:42884