一、引言 盘状石核(Discoid cole)是旧石器时代一种重要的石核类型,在欧亚大陆和非洲都有大量的发现。同时,盘状石核与勒瓦娄哇石核(Levallois core)在时空分布与形态技术上都有着密切的联系,由于勒瓦娄哇石核声名远播,在勒瓦娄哇石核的光环之下,盘状石核在很长一段时间里都没有被学术界给予足够的重视与研究。
Discoid cores and Levallois cores, both of which were important symbols of the Middle Paleolithic Age in the west of the Old World, had technological relationship but also differences. Discoid cores can be classified into two types, namely the unifacial and the bifacial ones. In China, discoid cores may appear in the upper Middle Pleistocene, and were mainly seen in the lower and middle Upper Pleistocene, corresponding to the Middle Paleolithic Age in Europe and the MSA (Middle Stone Age) in Africa. The discovery and study of discoid cores provide significant insight into the cultures of the Middle Paleolithic Age in China.