The DNA computing was applied to investigation of the data association, a NP-hard mathematical problem in multitarget tracking, and a multidimensional assignment data association algorithm was realized through utilizing the super parallelism of DNA computation. The algorithm uses the DNA molecular chains containing the palindromic sequence of the restriction endonuclease HaeIII to encode the observed sight lines. All target association combina- tions are obtained through the operation of connection and annealing. In order to select the optimal multidimensional data association solution, the techniques of DNA hairpin structure detection and gel electrophoresis are used to re- move the target association combinations that do not satisfy the constraints. The results of the theoretic analysis show that the DNA computation based multidimensional assignment data association algorithm needs the DNA molecular chain number of O( nk !/(c - m) !) (the space complexity), and decreases the time complexity from exponential to 0 (mn), where n and m are the sensor number and target number respectively, k is the target localization number.