In this paper, by means of RS and GIS from the typical area in Korqin Sandy Land, the spatial distribution information of mobile dunes were obtained to analyze the chang ing trends of landscape fragmentation of the mobile dunes and to discuss the relationships between the fragmentation and desertification process by using the number and shape of fragmentation indices. The results showed that the number fragmentation index decreased from 1958 to 1998 period, and the maximum fragmentation index occurred in 1974 and relative minimum fragmentation indices emerged in 1958 and 1998 during past four decades. There was a significant positive lineal relation between the numbers of fragmentation and the desertification process. In addition, findings also illustrated that fragmentation index assumed straight lineal shape changing at same temporal scale, which indicated that different land use processes pro moted the shape change of mobile dune in recent decades. The regression outputs showed that the shape fragmentation decreased with the increase of desertification degree. In a word, the alternate disturbances that destroyed vegetation or rehabilitated vegetation by human activity brought about the decrease of the number fragmentation indices and the increase of shape fragmentation index of the mobile dune landscape in Horqin sandy land.