Construction speed is a key issue to underground powerhouse construction management. In prediction of underground powerhouse construction speed using system simulation, there are many parameters whose small variation in value may lead to a great change in construction speed. Previous studies have been limited to sensitivity analysis only on a few main factors. An underground powerhouse construction simulation model, however, usually incorporates so many construction-disturbing factors that the traditional approach is unable to meet the requirements of multi-factor analysis. This article presents a multi-factor sensitivity analysis of underground powerhouse construction simulation using the uniform design method. We have analyzed the effects of various simulation parameters on construction speed and screened the susceptibility factors. This method was adopted in a simulation model of underground powerhouse construction speed for hydroelectric power stations, and the results show that the method is able to handle the multi-factor sensitivity analysis efficiently and accurately identify those susceptibility factors that have significant effect on construction. Thus, our method would lay a theoretical basis for evaluation and optimization of the simulation model parameters and construction speed of relevant practical projects.