引言 钢筋混凝土由于具有来源容易、价格低廉、坚固耐用等优良特点,已成为世界上应用最普遍、范围最广的材料。然而,钢筋混凝土结构长期在服役环境的作用下也会失效,最终遭到腐蚀和破坏。其中,钢筋的锈蚀是最重要的原因之一。为此,人们开发了众多钢筋防腐技术,其中,
The failure process of epoxy-coated rebars under different magnitudes of loads in simulated concrete pore solution with chloride ions was studied by electrochemical impedance spectrum(EIS)technology.The results showed that coating resistance of the sample under load declined,and water absorption increased obviously.The higher the load was,the faster the failure of the sample would be.The coating water absorption test result was consistent with that of EIS.In addition,the applied load made the coating adhesion of the sample decline,and the adhesion decreased more obviously under a higher load.Therefore,the increase of coating porosity and the decrease of coating adhesion under applied load were the main reasons leading to the degradation of coating protective performance.