This study was conducted to investigate the CP/Hinf Ⅰ RFLP groups of Citrus tristeza virus (CTV) iso- lates in Jiangxi. Restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) was used to assay the coat protein gene of 209 CTV samples collected from 14 citrus production areas in Jiangxi. The single CP/Hinf Ⅰ RFLP pattern was detec- ted in 87.1% of the total samples, whereas the mixed pattern was 12.9%. The dominant was CP/HinfⅠ RFLP group 3, followed by group 1, and these two patterns accounted for 55.5% and 26.8% of all samples, respective- ly. And there were 1 and 5 isolates belonging to CP/HinfⅠ RFLP group 4 and group 5, respectively, which could be mild CTV isolates and should be further studied. The single pattern of CTV isolates often occurred in Jiangxi.